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Beta Phi History


“Beta Phi is the most cohesive chapter in the fraternity” 

- Cary D. Jacobs, 25th Grand Basileus

"The model graduate chapter is one which appropriates and transfers into the practical affairs of a busy world the attributes and principles of undergraduate life. The undergraduate chapter organizes an influence behind each of its members, dignifies his attainments in student life and incites to new achievements, softens the hard places in his striving and hardens the soft places in his character; in other words, stiffens his preparation, fixes his ideals and interprets his to the students world. Most of all, it renders him subject to the power of a dominant will, which is the crystallization of the free cooperation of the brother members; and this submission widens his perspective and rides his soul of selfish desire.

In true juxtaposition, the model graduate chapter assumes all of the functions above enumerated; and their practical application is equally, if not more, beneficial to the brothers who are bread-winners in a hard and often unfriendly world. In business and in the professions, an organized force which supports the brother members in their several callings, which multiplies the sources of their strength and sympathetically interprets them to the community is indeed a tower of might. The Durham idea is one of cooperation and mutual support. Certainly, no organization is better fitted, by precept and experience, to function more freely in such a community than our beloved Fraternity."

The supreme test of a graduate chapter resides in the selection of a group of Brothers of like aims and ideals, possessing the necessary qualifications, who are Fraternally-Minded; Men otherwise qualified to whom the four-square cardinals of Manhood, Perseverance, Scholarship and Uplift are to be an undying fire. By this test, Beta Phi acknowledges with pride that her Sons of Omega will yield to no others in measure of their devotion to the Fraternity. The traditions of Omega are being upheld by the members of Beta Phi, and in all respects the Chapter approximates the standard of an undergraduate chapter; it is animate, buoyant, loyal, and resolute. The ideal of FRATERNITY, of faithfulness to its spirit and of insistence upon its precepts, is the basis of orientation.

Omega in Durham is considerably more than a Greek organization. It is a vital force in the making of a city which enables and inspires the maximum of accomplishment on the part of the members of the unit. It is superimposed upon the already well-laid under-structure of organized activity, successful pioneering in commerce, and a high community morale. Therein lies the supreme opportunity of the Unit: for it is molding a character and founding a dynasty of enlightened leaders whose influence, through the national organizations residing here, will be impressed upon succeeding generations. The proof of this assertion is best demonstrated by the enumeration of the strategic positions occupied by the members of Beta Phi.



In accordance with the brothers in Durham, a visit was made to the National Headquarters in Washington for the purpose of securing a charter for the proposed Durham Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. This chapter was obtained from the Grand Keeper of Records, Brother Campbell C. Johnson. Brothers Johnson, Mazyck, Carter, Love, and others offered their cooperation in the organization of the chapter.

After two preliminary meetings in which plans were proposed and discussed, the Durham brothers met on Sunday, December 14, 1924, at the home of Brother Rencher Nicholas (R.N.) Harris, 409 Formosa St. The following brothers were present Robert McCants Andrews (Alpha ‘15), J. Allen Foushee (Zeta Omega ‘23), C.W. Blackmon (Alpha ‘21), and J.W. Jones (Tau Omega ‘23).

Brother Harris stated that in accordance with former plans, a permanent organization was in order, and the following brethren were elected and declared to be the duly elected officers of Beta Phi Chapter:

  • R.N. Harris, Basileus

  • C.W. Blackmon, Keeper of Records

  • J.W. Jones, Keeper of Seals

  • R.C. Brown, Chaplain

  • J. Allen Foushee, Keeper of Peace

  • R. McCants Andrews, Neophyte Commandant

Arrangements were made and an initiation was held Monday night, December 15, 1924, at which time nine worthy men were brought into the light of Omega. With a firm base of fifteen men, Beta Phi, under the guidance of Brother Harris started forth under a program designed to add credit to the fraternity and to the race which it represents. 

The program was carried out, was outlined as follows:

  1. The Memorial Service is to be conducted in honor of Brother Charles Young each March.

  2. An offering of an award each month to young men of the four local schools

  3. Propose to bring a lecturer who is qualified to speak on some Negro Hostrpy

  4. The chapter will contribute one or more volumes each year of Negro History or Literature to the Colored Library of Durham

  5. Beta Phi will establish an “Uplift” Fund, which will be created to contribute to charitable purposes or needs as may come to the attention of the chapter.

Meeting nights were established for the first Saturday and third Wednesday of each month.

(The Oracle, June, 1927, pages 67-68)

It was not long before the jurisdiction of Beta Phi was extended to include Raleigh and Eastern North Carolina. This chapter has participated in making effective the policies of each Supreme Council that has been in control of Omega Affairs since it was chartered.


While the jurisdiction of Beta Phi extended throughout Raleigh and Eastern North Carolina, this chapter has participated in making effective the policies of each Supreme Council that has been in control of Omega affairs since it was chartered. It has sponsored scholarship awards in various colleges and high schools; it has made contributions to worthy causes; it has given books of Black History to libraries and schools; and has established a loan fund for worthy undergraduates of local schools. It has regularly given social affairs and entertained national affairs of Omega and other Greek-letter organizations.


"Beta Phi fostered the establishment of Delta Psi Chapter at Shaw University in 1925  and Tau Psi Chapter at North Carolina College in Durham (now NCCU) in 1931.  and has continuously acted as a big brother to these undergraduates. Beta Phi was the first chapter to take initiative towards the establishment of a state conference (now known as the District Council Meetings and the Annual District Meeting). 


In 1926, the entire staff of officers were re-elected:

  • R.N. Harris, Basileus

  • J.W. Jones, Keeper of Records and Seals (C.W. Blackmon having left Durham, his duties combined)

  • R.C. Brown, Chaplain and Editor

  • J. Allen Foushee, Keeper of Peace

  • R. McCants Andrews, Neophyte Commandant

(The Oracle, June, 1927, pages 67-68)

In 1933, on December 27, 28, and 29, Beta Phi hosted the Twenty-first Annual Conclave at Durham. Brother G.W. Cox served as Grand Marshall. Over 350 members of the fraternity attended.


The following have been members of Beta Phi: L. A. Oxley, Grand Basileus in 1933; and George A. Isabell, the present Grand Keeper of Records and Seal. Leading business and professional men in this area are members of Beta Phi. The Omega Hall of Fame selected five in their chapter mentioned in their report as nationally-known characters: Dr. G. C. Shaw, President of Mary Potter Memorial School; Dr. Roscoe C. Brown, official of the U. S. Public Health Service; L. W. Wilhoite, Secretary-Manager, Bankers Life Insurance Company; I. H. Smith, Insurance Broker and Realtor; and R. McCants Andrews, Attorney." (Dreer, The History of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, 1940, pgs 194-195)


The first Basileus of Beta Phi Chapter was Brother Rencher Nicholas (R. N.) Harris. A resident of 409 Formosa Street, Brother Harris was Executive Vice President of Bankers Fire and Casualty Insurance Company of Durham. Harris was at one time a traveling representative of the fraternity and also a member of the national Housing Authority” ( The Oracle, May, 1953, page 9). Other early Basilei have been Brothers W. D. Hill, J. D. Lewis, G. W. Cox, and J. W. Goodloe (Incumbent in 1940). Charter members of Beta Phi Chapter were: Allen Foushee, J. W. Jones, G. Wayne Cox, R. N. Harris, R. McCants Andrews, W. D. Hill, Harry W. Hill, H. I. Hill, H. I. Wilson, J. C. Scarborough, J. H. Midgette, L. W. Midgette, L. W. Wilhoite, Dr. Roscoe C. Brown, Charles A. Blackman, M. A. Goins, Dr. Caswell V. Rice, and Dr. George Kirkland. 


Known as the "Father of Beta Phi," Brother Harris was to see his organization serve as a catalyst for others. Beta Phi Chapter also fostered the establishment of Psi Delta Chapter (1973) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Omega Zeta Chapter (1974) at Duke University.

The fraternity has felt and seen the dynamic qualities of this chapter. Tau Psi Chapter was chartered on November 8, 1931. The chapter came into existence due to the efforts of Brothers J. W. Jones and W. D. Hill of Beta Phi. In December of 1932, at the Biltmore Hotel in Durham, Beta Phi Chapter hosted one of the most memorable and successful Grand Conclaves (the Twenty-second) the fraternity has witnessed. At this meeting, Brother Lawrence A. Oxley was elected Grand Basileus. "In 1933, the first year of his administration, the following chapters were organized: Beta Alpha, a graduate chapter at Jackson, Mississippi; Gamma Alpha, a graduate chapter at Roanoke, Virginia; and Phi Psi, an undergraduate chapter at Langston, Oklahoma. In 1934, the second year of Oxley's administration, the following graduate chapters were added: Zeta Alpha, at Oxford, North Carolina; and Eta Alpha at Columbia, Missouri. In 1935, the third year of Brother Oxley's administration, the following chapters were established: April 19, Iota Alpha as a graduate chapter at Knoxville, Tennessee; on April 29, Theta Alpha as a graduate chapter at Dallas, Texas; on May 9, Kappa Alpha as a graduate chapter at Rock Hill, South Carolina; and in June, Alpha Sigma as an undergraduate chapter at Morris Brown College, Atlanta, Georgia." (Dreer, 42).

Many of Beta Phi's early members were active in establishing the Durham Committee on Black Affairs in July 1935. Likewise, many members of the infant Beta Phi Chapter worked diligently in the establishment of the local Durham branch of the NAACP.



Beta Phi Brothers continued to follow the responsible and civic-minded precedent set by their earlier brothers. Not only have the Durham Committee and the NAACP been recipients of the wisdom and direction of members of Beta Phi, but the Durham City Council and Board of Education have benefited as well from the knowledge, expertise and leadership of men of Beta Phi.


In 1944, Beta Phi Chapter assisted in the chartering of the Iota Iota Chapter in Raleigh, North Carolina. Before that time, Beta Phi served as the local base for Omega in Raleigh and the surrounding area, as well as Durham, with monthly meetings being held alternately in both cities.


In 1956, Asa T. Spaulding (Beta Phi ‘35), chairman of the fraternity’s Housing Commission, was one of five persons chosen to represent the United States at the inauguration of President William V. Tubman of Liberia, West Africa (The Oracle, March 1956, page 16).


Brother I. Gregory Newton was elected as National Basileus in 1958 and served three terms, presiding over the Fiftieth Anniversary Grand Conclave which was held in Washington, D.C. in 1961. The Golden Anniversary of the Fraternity was a grand occasion that featured speeches by the Founders - Bishop Edgar A. Love, Dr. Oscar J. Cooper, and Professor Frank Coleman. In addition, Dr. Leroy T. Walker, Track Coach at North Carolina College, (along with Woody Hayes of Ohio State) participated in a symposium to emphasize the theme, "Manhood as a Part of the Fraternity Ritual." The major portion of Dr. Newton's professional career was spent at North Carolina College. He joined the faculty of the college as an instructor in political science and later became Professor and Chairman of the Department of Political Science. He also served as the Director of Athletics at North Carolina College.




Now, with a combination of young, energetic members, including fifty and sixty-year men, to provide its stability and wisdom, Beta Phi began the 80s with a proud knowledge of the firm ground on which it was established and nurtured, and a keen awareness of its capabilities to tackle the needs and problems of the present and future. In 1992, Beta Phi hosted the 48th Sixth District Annual Meeting where Brother John H Scott was District Marshall and Brother Quan Williams was Chapter Basileus. At the time this was the largest Sixth District Annual Meeting in terms of the number of registered Beta Phi brothers at 101. During 1995 Brother Scott was elected the 29th Sixth District Representative, becoming the first member of Beta Phi to serve in this capacity. During 1998 Brother Scott was elected 1st Vice Grand Basileus where he served two 2-year terms




Beta Phi Brothers continued to follow the responsible and civic-minded precedent set by their earlier brothers. Not only have the Durham Committee and the NAACP received the wisdom and direction of members of Beta Phi, but the Durham City Council and Board of Education have also benefited from the knowledge, expertise, and leadership of the men of Beta Phi.


 â€‹Brother I. Gregory Newton was elected Grand Basileus in 1958 and served three terms, presiding over the Fiftieth Anniversary Grand Conclave held in Washington, DC in 1961. The Golden Anniversary of the Fraternity was a grand occasion that featured speeches by the Founders - Bishop Edgar A. Love, Dr. Oscar J. Cooper, and Professor Frank Coleman. In addition, Dr. Leroy T. Walker (Beta Phi ‘42), Track Coach at North Carolina College, (along with Woody Hayes of Ohio State) participated in a symposium to emphasize the theme, "Manhood as a Part of the Fraternity Ritual." The major portion of Dr. Newton's professional career was spent at North Carolina College. He joined the faculty of the college as an instructor in political science and later became Professor and Chairman of the Department of Political Science. He also served as the Director of Athletics at North Carolina College.


In 1962, 25th Grand Basileus, Cary D. Jacobs visited the brothers of Beta Phi in Durham. The Grand Basileus commended the chapter for its wide attendance declaring that, “Beta Phi is the most cohesive chapter in the fraternity”  Brother Jacob’s chief objective of the visit was to stress the need for a new national headquarters building.  After his remarks, pledges and purchases of bonds totaling $400 were made in support of the building fund campaign. (The Oracle, May, 1962, page 25)


In 1965, under the leadership of Basileus Charles Clinton (C.C.) Spaulding (Beta Phi) the chapter set new goals for the year such as a Ladies' Night gala for wives and sweethearts, a joint social meeting with Tau Psi, a Spring Formal, and a  rejuvenated talent hunt (The Oracle, May 1965, page 35)


On January 4, 1965, “Star Studded Omegaman” Rencher Nicholas (R.N.) Harris entered Omega Chapter. Brothers of Beta Phi served as honorary pallbearers and a memorial resolution for Brother Harris was presented to his family by the brothers of Beta Phi (The Oracle, May 1965, page 72).


In 1976, Beta Phi had its First Annual Mardi Gras Festival. The chapter sponsored a benefit concert at Duke University’s Cameron Indoor Stadium featuring Rufus and Chaka Khan, and Parliament-Funkadelic.

(The Oracle, Fall, 1976, pages 32-33)




Beta Phi hosted another record-setting very successful Sixth District Annual Meeting in 2009, where Brother James Mills was District Marshall, and Brother Derrick Vines was chapter Basileus for two terms. In 2011 Beta Phi had two Sixth District officers, Brother Jim Harper II - District Assistant Keeper Records and Seal and Brother Brian Beverly, who is completing his third term as Sixth District Counselor and two terms as chapter Basileus. Brother Jim Harper II was elected for the 2012 and 2013 terms. Elected as 2013 Sixth District Officers were Brother Brian Beverly, 1st Vice District Representative, and Brother Jim Harper II - District Keeper of Records and Seal.


Researched and compiled by Bro. Robert Hoover and Bro. John Howard

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